PFERD as a company


Find out what PFERD stands for and get to know our company, in addition to the most important facts and figures.


We’ll gladly help you with any questions concerning our products and services. After all, maintaining a close dialogue with you is the key to mutual success.

Working at PFERD

Lay the foundation for your career at PFERD now. Inform yourself about the company and find a suitable position among our apprenticeship roles and job vacancies.


News, Press and Trade shows

Get up to speed with all the latest news from PFERD. In this section, we’ve collected company and product news stories, press releases, press features and trade show dates for you.

Sales and distribution

PFERD is represented worldwide with 24 subsidiaries and over 100 retail partner representatives – including where you are based. Find your contact – they will handle your enquiries personally.

Purchasing at PFERD

The use of high-grade resources and materials – in addition to the adherence to ecological, ethical and safety principles – forms the basis of our purchasing policy.



Through its membership in important trade associations for the tool industry, the company is committed and bound to the very highest quality across all divisions.

Environment and sustainability

In addition to continuously developing its own environmental and energy policies, PFERD works in the name of its customers to optimize processes and conserve resources.

Provisions and guidelines

PFERD fulfils all requirements and obligations associated with statutory ordinances and standards. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.


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